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And yes, you can operate each from the same home office, what you can do is make it like a time share, and "book" each entities time, each being a pt operation. Yes you can manage and not be personally liable. Elio's question and Stevens point is, Elio asked about protecting the assets of the company, so if sued there is nothing to sue for. Steven pointed out, if not done correctly, they could pierce that veil between the two too attach the assets to the investment company, which is defined in your post. In law, law is not only defined by what is stipulated in the books, but also by what is not. And trust me on this point, I have litigated against some real fun cases before, like state agencies, you want some good times try that. And we won, twice. James, I think you know as well as I that the state statutes governing corporations and limited liability companies are written to limit the personal liability of owners/members. It would take a court order to "pierce the veil" and I would dare say that I could most likely find a case where the veil was upheld for each that you find where it was pierced. Why berate Mitch for asking Stephen to substantiate his statement?It was a valid question when the law is clearly written to limit the liability of owner/managers. It appeared to me that he was merely looking for information, not an argument.

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Missing control variablesThe analysis does not include control variables on the loan category. Kiva works with several loan sector categories such as Agriculture or Education. Further attributes can be specified such as green, youth, and multiple tags can be included technology trees. At the minimum, I would include the sector in which the loan is requested as a control variable consisting of multiple dummy variables. The loan category highly influences funding and repayment success with some categories being more attractive to fund and some categories showing lower level of risk in repayment. The finding that product category is important predictor of funding success has been found in the context of Kickstarter, for example in the research of Mitra and Gilbert 2014. ClosingIn 2017, Kiva was able to provide a total of $152 million in loans to poor people around the world and $1 billion in loans since 2005. The microfinance via a crowdfunding platform, one of the emergent business models identified at the international microfinance conference 2017, seems to become more popular means of providing loans to the poor. Moss et all. 2015 are able to contribute to the efficiency of this platform and our understanding of signaling in microfinance platforms by researching the role of virtuous orientation and entrepreneurial orientation in loan texts. The entrepreneurial orientation of a loan text contributes to funding and repayment whereas virtuous orientation does not.

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They must also delegate their time efficiently to keep the business running. Only occasionally do publishers actually seek out work. Lets look at a typical work day of a publisher to help you understand book acceptance and book publishing. Writers must be persistent. Regardless of how many times a publisher rejects your book manuscript and throws your ideas in the trash, you have to keep going back for more discouragement. Eventually youll make it in the door. If you can get all the way through, you will finally get to a place where publishers accept more of your work. When working with a book publisher, the rule is the same. If you have a book that you know will sell, you must persevere to get the publishers attention. Most likely, you will be sending excerpts of your book, not the entire book, to a publisher. As you continually send your manuscript or book excerpts to publisher after publisher, you should try to market it in different ways.

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